Gifts In Wills

Your legacy could be the key ingredient to helping people in Norwich eat well, live well, and feel connected

Every gift we receive makes a big difference.

Can you help us continue our vital work in the community by leaving a gift in your will?

The key ingredient to us building communities where everyone thrives, and reducing the huge levels of inequality in Norwich, is your support. Your legacy will help the most vulnerable people in our city not have to skip meals because they can’t afford enough food for themselves and their family.

We will also use your gift, whether big or small, to help give local adults and children their independence and confidence back, providing them with opportunities to develop their skills and learn new ones that are relevant to employment and volunteering.

Your Solicitor, or a local Will Writer, can advise on the steps required to leave a gift in your will. If you do not have a Solicitor, the contact details of local legal advisors can be found via the Solicitors Regulation Authority or from the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Get in touch

For more information about leaving a gift in your will to The Feed, or even considering doing so, email

Any event where you need food use the Feed. It's amazing and everyone is always impressed.
Catering customer

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Help our work in the community, and have a brilliant time doing it!