To make a donation to us, use the JustGiving platform, our page is here.
There is the option to add Gift Aid if you wish.
We aim to generate much of our income from the delicious food we sell in our cafes and by catering for events. This means we don't run a big programme of fundraising events ourselves, however, keep an eye on our social media accounts and the news section on this website as we have one or two irons in the fire!
Of course if you have a fundraising challenge you are planning and would like to support us we'd be delighted. We use the JustGiving platform for fundraising, link here.
Let us know your plans so we can promote your event and explain how your funds will benefit our community. Contact our Marketing & Fundraising Manager, Nade Ward (
Lauren Mason from NU Image, a business which supported The Feed as their 2024 charity of the year.