Fran Cooke

Community Project Lead

Fran works with people one to one and in groups. A tailored plan is created for everyone to help them gain the skills, confidence and motivation on the path to employment. 

We asked her some questions to get to know her a little better (August 2023).

How long have you worked at The Feed?

I've worked at the Feed for just over one and half years.  I started out as a volunteer at the Prince of Wales cafe and then went to work at Waterloo Park Cafe. I really enjoyed my time working there and worked with some fabulous people and volunteers. I've just recently changed roles and am now part of the Support team as an Opportunities Coach based at the Social Supermarket on Hall Road.

Tell us about your role

I'm currently setting up one of The Feed's new projects called Thrive. The aim of this project is to improve people's wellbeing. It will involve some coaching sessions to help people work towards their goals in life. 

What do you like about the role?

I love working alongside people and seeing them progress in aspects of their life that they want help with. I also like the fact it's varied and you never quite know what to expect.

If The Feed was an animal what would it be and why? 

A tiger comes to mind!  When you look at its symbolic meaning - it talks about independence, strength, shrewd perception and also mastery in knowledge, a skill or over yourself and I think all these elements link to The Feed, its ethos and its outcomes. 

What's your favourite food in our cafes or on our catering menu?  

I would have to say the kid's fry up at our Waterloo Park Café - It was my regular break time meal and I never got tired of it! 

Your dream meal - who is with you and what's on the menu? 

Difficult question as I'm not a massive foodie but if I had to choose, on my menu I would have; a tomato and basil salad, aubergine and halloumi burger in a brioche bun and fries and to finish off ice cream of any kind!

I would want to be sharing the meal with close friends with good chat and laughter in abundance!

What do you do to relax?

I do a lot of running and outdoor activities which helps me to relax- especially wild swimming.  Also, when I find the time a good book always helps me to switch off. 

Any event where you need food use the Feed. It's amazing and everyone is always impressed.
Catering customer

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